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Searching by Invoice Number

Wherefore art thou invoice?

If you are searching for an insurer’s invoice, you can search by invoice number if you head to the main Billing tab and scroll down to the “Search option under “Claim Submissions:

Otherwise, for a client invoice, you would need to know the date range that the invoice was generated within, but you should be able to locate non-insurer invoices if you head over to the Billing tab and then click on Purchases in the left sidebar menu.

Type in the invoice number and Jane should locate it for you.

With that invoice number… Invoice, doff thy balance (it’s all paid!).

Additional Notes

How do I find an invoice number?

There are three main areas where you can view invoices and the numbers attached to them.

Option One: Appointment Panel

The first place you’re able to see this information would be after you’ve clicked on an appointment within the Schedule tab. You’ll first want to make sure that the appointment is marked as Arrived or No Show so an invoice is generated.

Next, scroll down to the Billing Info section and you’ll be able to see the patient’s name and the invoice number in blue text here:

Option Two: Patient Profile

Clicking on the Billing tab within the Patient’s Profile displays a list of invoices generated for the patient.

To view the invoice number generated for either an appointment or product purchase, you can take a look at the blue text under the Invoice column.

Option Two: Billing Tab

The last place you can view an invoice if you’re unsure of the specific patient that it’s attached to would be under the Billing tab and then click on Purchases within the left sidebar menu.

You can use the Filter button to search for a specific invoice, search based on the staff member, the status, specific date range and age of the invoice to help narrow down the search:

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