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Re-booking Clients with the Same Insurance Info

Need to book in a patient for a subsequent visit where all (or most) of the Insurance Info will be the same as a previous service date?

If so, you can copy insurance information either when booking a patient visit or after the patient has booked to save yourself some time. This applies for both cash and insurance patients!

Copying Codes at the Time of Booking

If you book your patient in on the administrative side of Jane, you have the option of using the Copy button, or the Copy Previous option when booking a fresh appointment, to copy past insurance information. This can include CPT and Diagnosis codes, modifiers, patient policy(ies), and past patient responsibilities (i.e. co-pays).

1) Using the Copy Button:

Using the Copy button creates a new appointment with the exact same insurance details as the one you are copying!

Start by clicking on the appointment you’d like to make a copy of, and then inside the appointment window click the Copy button:

Next, go to the desired re-booking date in the practitioner’s schedule. To paste the new appointment, simply click on an available time slot.

Voilà! The new appointment is now booked with the exact same insurance details as the one you copied.

Any CPT codes, Diagnosis codes, or policy details will copy over on this new appointment.

2) Selecting Same as Previous - Fresh Appointment Booking

When booking a brand new appointment, you’ll see an area to select policy details if the patient your are booking has a policy saved to their profile. This area will not show up for patients that are solely cash.

Selecting the Same as Previous option will copy the insurance info over from the patient’s last visit.

3) Selecting the Default Policy - Fresh Appointment Booking

When booking a brand new appointment for insurance patients, you will also see the option to select the default policy:

When the default policy is selected, Jane will automatically add any CPT codes, Dx codes, and patient responsibility that are saved as default coverage amounts in the patient’s policy.

A bit of background info:

When entering patient insurance information (“policies”) on their profile, the bottom area of the patient policy gives you the option to add in default insurance information.

You can add default billing codes, co-pays, etc. to a policy which will then automatically add those same billing codes and amounts to an appointment when you attach the policy. This comes in handy if the patient sees you for the same treatment where the same or similar procedures are performed.

You will have the option to adjust any default information at the time of visit should you need to make some tweaks (i.e. new procedure performed). Jane gives you the option to remove a billing code, change a billing code, or add any additional billing codes. You can also add or remove diagnosis codes at the time of service.

For example, let’s say this patient typically has 97140 and 97710 with a $25.00 Co Pay responsibility each visit:

When entering the patient’s policy, I can use the “Add Billing Code..” search bar, to save the CPT/Dx codes as default coverage amounts.

Now, when this policy is attached to an appointment, Jane will automatically add those same billing codes and amounts to the visit.

Copying Codes After the Appointment is Booked

If a patient books their appointment on your online booking site, Jane is not going to make an assumption on what billing codes and/or policy to attach to the visit (since Jane doesn’t know which procedure codes or policy will apply).

In these cases, when the patient comes in for their visit, you would just need to open up the appointment from the Schedule or Day sheet and head to the Insurance Info section.

From here, click Copy Previous to bring up a list (up to 3) of the patients most recent visits. Selecting any of the visits in the list will copy over all billing & procedures codes, alongside any insurance policy uitlized for that visit!

More Questions?

If you have any questions along the way, please email us at [email protected] for some extra help.

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